We found 5 episodes of Spark Joy with the tag “mom”.
Ep 56 | How 60 Hours of Tidying Lessons Changed One Single Mom's Life Forever
September 25th, 2018 | 37 mins 20 secs
kids, konmari, konmari consultant, marie kondo, mom, organization, single, spark joy, tidy
Single mom Beth Walker walks through her 60 hour KonMari tidying experience while discussing significant changes in her life and the benefits of working with a KonMari Consultant along the way.
Ep 34 | Incremental Minimalism with Stephanie Seferian
April 24th, 2018 | 33 mins 13 secs
children, family, home, homelife, kids, kondo, konmari, konmari consultants, low waste living, minimalism, mom, podcast, sustainabilty decluttering
Living a responsibly sustainable life while raising a young family is definitely a challenge. Join us this week as we learn about one mom’s journey to a joyful, minimalist home.
Ep 23 | FamilyPrenuer! Raising Business Savvy Kids with Meg Brunson
February 6th, 2018 | 33 mins 52 secs
books, business, children, entrepreneur, facebook, family, familypreneur, future, home, homelife, kids, kondo, konmari, konmari consultants, marketing, mom, mother, organization, parents, podcast
Meg Brunson, multi-passionate mama and former Facebook employee shares tips on how to provide a better life for her family through entrepreneurship.
Ep 14 | From Chaos to Calm with Christine O'Brien
November 28th, 2017 | 26 mins 10 secs
brene brown, calm, chaos, children, closets, clothing, clutter, discarding, family, fear, future, gratitude, home, homelife, japan, joy, kim john payne, komono, kondo, konmari, konmari consultants, life hacks, lifetimes, mom, mother, organization, paper, parents, past, sentimental, simplicity, sorting, spark joy, tidying, tips, toys, vision
Christine O'Brien's mission is to help moms create calm and joyful lives.
A Certified Simplicity Parenting Coach and KonMari enthusiast with over a decade of experience, Christine coaches women to create home environments that support harmony and connection. -
Ep 12 | One Mom's KonMari Summer
November 14th, 2017 | 46 mins 24 secs
diane arias, konmari, konmari consultants, konmari kids, konmari summer, marie kondo, mom, organization, spark joy, tidying
Diane Arias, wife and mom of three, strides through the highs and lows of her summertime KonMari tidying event, and shares the life-changing impact it had on her family.